Wood-burning fireplaces are traditional and classy, yet downright messy and high-maintenance. If you’re considering changing things up, allow us to convince you of the benefits of switching to a natural gas fireplace. You won’t want to turn back once you know the differences between gas fireplaces and traditional ones.

If you are unsure about a gas fireplace, the information below will help aid in your decision about whether to convert. Contact your local chimney service and get expert advice on converting your home to gas for heat. Learn why gas fireplaces are a no-brainer over traditional ones.

What Is a Gas Fireplace?

A gas fireplace uses natural gas or liquid propane sealed in a combustion chamber that draws outside air into the home and exhausts the fumes out of a chimney cap or the exterior of a building. No physical products, like wood, are used to create the flame, and the fireplace does not necessarily need a chimney to work. Unless the line breaks, the gas comes from an underground pipe, making it invisible and inconspicuous.

What Are the Types of Gas Fireplaces?

There are several types of gas fireplaces, both vented and unvented. The common types are gas inserts, gas log sets, and built-in gas fireplaces. Ventless options are more energy-efficient compared to their vented counterparts.

Gas Inserts

If you have an existing fireplace in your home, a gas insert is a perfect solution to converting your fireplace. All gas fireplace components fit inside a metal box that goes inside the fireplace. Inserts can last upward of 20 years but can be more expensive.

Gas Log Sets

Prefabricated logs made from ceramic can be placed in multiple different fireplace spaces. This natural-looking fireplace pumps gas through tiny holes in the log; once you ignite the fireplace, the logs will produce a steady flame. If you keep these logs clean, you can expect them to last you a long time—almost ten years—before you might need to replace them.


If you do not have an existing fireplace, you can still install a gas one; you just need to find a space for a built-in. These can fit just about anywhere in your home. If you do not have a gas line yet, you may need to call for gas installation in Portland or your local service to build a line on your property.

Benefits of a Gas Fireplace

Now that you know more about gas fireplaces, you’ll find that they offer many perks. Benefits include low maintenance, energy efficiency, and aesthetics. They are also easy to use and install, do not produce smoke or ash, and are safe for your home. Read on for more details comparing the benefits.

Low Maintenance

If you hate the clean-up of a traditional wood-burning fireplace, you’ll love that gas fireplaces require significantly lower maintenance. A gas flame creates less of a mess and needs far less cleaning. There will be no need to shovel out ash and other debris, but you will need annual inspections to ensure the gas line and other components are in working condition.

Energy Efficient

The fuel used in gas fireplaces beats other fuel types. Gas is easier to control, and you can adjust the temperature and flame to your liking by flipping a switch or using a remote. Gas is also environmentally friendly and creates no smoke.

Realistic Aesthetic

There is no doubt that a traditional fireplace gives off a classy aesthetic. But with gas log kits, you can turn any gas fireplace into a faux wood fireplace giving you that classic fireplace ambiance. The logs in the insert look as natural as regular wood; you can even add a few natural wood logs around the hearth to mimic the organic feel of a traditional fireplace.

Easy To Use and Install

Using traditional methods to heat your home requires knowledge of flues and chimneys and the maintenance that comes with them. Gas inserts or built-ins are quick and painless to install and eliminate the time-consuming, messy tasks of lighting and maintaining a wood fire. You don’t even have to stick a long match inside to light the flame; you can get a fire going with the flip of a switch.

No Smoke or Ash

Because you aren’t physically burning any material, there will be no smoke, sparks, burning embers, or other toxic material to worry about. If you have children or pets in your home, a gas fireplace is a superior choice. Although a gas fireplace won’t produce smoke or ash, the fumes can still produce byproducts. You’ll still need to clean the inside of the insert or built-in periodically to keep the fireplace in good condition.

Safe To Use

Turning on the gas with a flick of a switch is as easy as it gets. Many gas fireplaces also come with an automatic setting that will turn off the pilot if it is not used for some time. You also won’t have to worry about sparks flying out and potentially landing on combustible material.

Why You Should Choose Gas

If you have yet to decide whether to switch your fireplace to gas or purchase a built-in, now is the time. With a gas fireplace, you’ll no longer need to split and season wood, tend to a fire, or clean up messy soot and ash. Wood-burning fireplaces only have an energy output of around 10–30%, while gas has a whopping 75–99% output.

Gas can also work during a power outage, has a controllable flame and temperature, and can fit just about anywhere in your home. Consider all of your options, along with cost, to find the best type of gas fireplace for your home.

The benefits of switching to a natural gas fireplace heavily outweigh the perks of traditional or electric fireplaces. Gas is one of the most uncomplicated types of fuel to maintain and makes for hassle- and headache-free usability. Now that you’re an expert in gas fireplaces, go out and find the best one for you and your family; we guarantee you’ll never regret the decision to switch!

The Benefits of Switching to a Natural Gas Fireplace